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7 Guys Reveal… The REAL Reason They’re So Quiet During Sex!

7 Guys Reveal… The REAL Reason They’re So Quiet During Sex!

Do you ever wonder why guys are so quiet during sex? We’re sure you must have thought this while getting it on with your boyfriend. Why is he so quiet? Is he not interested? He’s trying to concentrate, maybe? Or maybe that’s just how most men are?! These questions must have popped in your head at least once, right?! So who can answer these questions better than men? We found some confessions on Whisper by men that reveal the actual reason they’re so quiet during sex. Here’s what they had to say…

1. Ohhhh… This totally makes sense. Years and years of practice…

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2. You don’t need to be embarrassed! It’s all in your head…

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3. Really? We think it will be the other way round!

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4. Hahaha! Well, isn’t this true for most of us?

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5. Hahaha! Well, no one asked you to sing!

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6. You shouldn’t feel awkward. Just go with the flow… *Wink*

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7. Hey, it’s totally up to you. You can do whatever you want…

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We found these confessions here on Whisper.

Okay! So now we know why they hardly make any noise…

Images: Whisper

10 Jan 2017

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