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How You Sleep With Bae & What It Says About Your Relationship!

How You Sleep With Bae & What It Says About Your Relationship!

We love cuddling with our boyfriends during bedtime. It’s just our favourite thing to do. But have you ever wondered what your sleeping style with your boyfriend says about your relationship? Well, the good peeps from LoveByte have some super cute illustrations that describe what our sleeping patterns with bae actually mean. So here, read on and find out which one fits you best!

1. When you and bae decide to sleep posing like spiders!

1 sleeping style with boyfriend means

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

2. When you and bae are bum kissing!

2 sleeping style with boyfriend means


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

3. When you and bae are too drunk to cuddle.

3 sleeping style with boyfriend means

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

4. When you and bae are busy on your phones!

4 sleeping style with boyfriend means


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

5. When you and bae sleep like a newlywed couple.

5 sleeping style with boyfriend means

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

6. When you and bae are just so comfortable sleeping with each other!

6 sleeping style with boyfriend means


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

7. When you and bae put comfort before cuddling…

7 sleeping style with boyfriend means

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

8. When you and bae sleep facing each other!

8 sleeping style with boyfriend means


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

9. When bae lets you be the little spoon!

9 sleeping style with boyfriend means

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

So now you know which couple are you two according to your sleeping style.

02 Dec 2016

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