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11 Signs Your Guy Will Make An Awesome Dad Someday!

11 Signs Your Guy Will Make An Awesome Dad Someday!

Caught ya! Aren’t you already dreaming about having children with him? Don’t pretend that you haven’t visualized how he’ll hold the baby or swing the child up in the air. Well it’s normal to find yourself thinking if he’ll be a good dad, especially once you get to that place in your relationship where you are committed to spending the rest of your lives together. Go ahead…check out if he already has good parenting skills with these telltale signs.

1. He says his pleases, I love yous and sorrys

Machismo apart, your guy is kind and caring. He is honest about his emotions and doesn’t fear saying them out loud. Being affectionate is a virtue not many possess, and if he does and so do you, you guys will make awesome parents to super-awesome babies. Yayy!

1 he will make a good father

2. He gives you your space

If he is someone who doesn’t always vie for your attention and lets you breathe every once in awhile, he’ll rock as a father. Because when you two become three (or four), he will not be sitting on your head trying to draw your mind towards himself all the time. He’ll know that mommy and baby need time. Cool.


3. He loves board games

Board games are all about the emotions – of each other’s presence, awareness, of spending quality time and not just killing time with each other. If your man prefers live board games (versus the virtual ones), he knows how to have real fun. That kid inside him is still alive. He’s a keeper.

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4. He is close to his family and friends

Is he that ‘big bro’ who his cousins run to all the time for all kinds of help? Do his best friends call him up at 3 am for advice? Trust us, he won’t disappoint as a father.

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5. He’s tender

He has a warm side and when required, can harbour you back to health. Watch for this when you have that nagging headache or when you are PMSing. A good father is also a good nurse who showers you with TLC all the time.

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6. He still loves things that remind him of his childhood…

… Like superheroes and cartoons! Coz believe us, there’ll be a lot of time and energy spent on those things. So he better be into it already.

7. He doesn’t lose his cool easily

Underneath all the cuteness overload, all kids are brats. All. No matter how angelic they look, they will give you moments when you want to pull your hair apart or jump out of the window. At this time, it’s important that he doesn’t get angry, steps in and controls the situation in the most mature and sound manner. And that requires a LOT of patience. Does he have that?


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8. He’s a good listener

Well, this is a prerequisite for any relationship, but more so when you plan to become parents. Communicating with children is an inundating task and if he’s a good listener he’ll do well.

9. He’s easygoing

He can go with the flow, even when the going gets tough. With kids, it’s hard to stay on a schedule – in a day and in your life. So he better be adaptable with the unpredictable as well.

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10. He knows how to cheer you up

Noticing when you’re down or just plain angry, he doesn’t leave you on your own. If he can handle your tantrums, he’d be good at handling your children’s tantrums too.

11. He pays attention to the little things

With kids, it’s the small things that matter. So if he remembers your baby brother’s match day and calls to wish him luck, or kisses you for packing him lunch – he will appreciate the tiny moments in your bundle of joy’s life. And that will mean the world to you!

11 he will make a good father

GIFs: TumblrGiphy


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02 Jun 2016

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