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The REAL Reason She Never Texted Back – Men, Take Note!

So, you met at a girl at a party and really liked her. You had fun talking to her. You exchanged numbers. Then you guys got chatting via texts. And then, suddenly, BAM – complete radio silence. She NEVER replied to your last text. Not even after you asked her why. Not even when you sent her a FB message and tried adding her as a friend. Well, my friend, no, she isn’t playing really hard to get. Chances are you came on a wee bit too strong – and possibly creeped her out. If you’ve been the sender of any of these texts, then here’s why she didn’t reply.

1. Shall I come over to your place sometime?

Without me having invited you? NO.

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2. I was checking out your Facebook list – your friends are quite hot! 😉

Not running a matchmaking service here.


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3. Oh. That’s what you do?

Yes, I do. You got a problem with that? Actually, forget it, let me just end this conversation here and get back to work.

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4. So, what’s your address?

Dude, stalker much?! How would you feel if some complete stranger asked for YOUR address?


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5. Wow, you’re quite a party girl. I’m not sure you should drink so much.

Oh dear, I better stop talking to you right now and head to an AA meeting.

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6. I lyk yr Instgrm px

I like people who know their vowels and can speak in complete sentences.


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7. [Image attachment. CENSORED.]

A picture of your junk is NOT what I wanted to see in the middle of the day. Especially since I didn’t ask for it.

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8. Hey, I got some time before I have to go to a party, want to hang until then?

Oh, I’m sorry, did you get confused and think I’m a pit-stop?


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9. You work too much. You should chill.

You talk too much. You should shut up.

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10. Nah, I don’t really follow the news.

Yeah, ignorance is such a turn-on.


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11. You girls have it so easy.

Yeah! It’s so easy for us to stop texting!

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12. I don’t like [enter name of community].

I don’t like racists.


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13. Well, I’m mostly single. I mean, my girlfriend’s out of town right now. And we’re kind of taking a break.

Dude, just listen to what you’re saying.

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14. You have too many guy friends.

Get the f*** out of here.


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15. I don’t think women should…

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

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GIFs: giphy, tumblr, goodreads


MUST-READ: Sexting Mistakes You Are Making Right Now

MUST-READ: What His Text Messages Really Mean


06 May 2016

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