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The First Step To Healthy Hair Is Understanding Hair Porosity. Here’s What You Should Know

The First Step To Healthy Hair Is Understanding Hair Porosity. Here’s What You Should Know

Have you ever felt like your haircare routine was a bit like throwing darts in the dark, hoping something sticks? I’ve been there. My bathroom shelf was lined with all sorts of promising hair products – oils, masks, leave-in conditioners – each one an emblem of hope for that elusive perfect hair day. But instead of bouncy, glossy locks, I almost always ended up with hair that felt heavy, greasy, and super flat.

I remember this one particular day, I had a date planned after what felt like an eternity. I decided to pull out all the stops: a deep conditioning treatment, followed by a luxurious oil, topped off with a light-hold styling cream. My hair should have been ready to star in a shampoo commercial. Instead, it lay there, limp and lifeless!

That’s when I put my foot down – enough is enough! After a night on Google ( a girl’s true best friend), I stumbled upon the concept of hair porosity and I realised my hair wasn’t difficult; it was just misunderstood.

What Is Hair Porosity?

Think of your hair like a sponge. Hair porosity is basically how well this sponge can soak up and hold on to moisture. Porosity is all about how your hair, be it curly, wavy, or straight, deals with oils, moisture, and products. Genetics play a big role, but don’t forget, your styling habits are also key players.


If low-porosity hair is common in your family, chances are you’re in the same boat. But it’s not just DNA at play. If you love your blow dryer or hair straightener and use them too much, you might just crank up your hair’s porosity. Overwashing, harsh products, and even too much sun can make your hair more porous. In short, what you do to your hair can really change its ability to handle moisture.

Types Of Hair Porosity

First let me introduce you to the hair cuticle. A hair cuticle is the tough outer layer of your hair that is made up of smaller cuticles that overlap each other, similar to shingles on a roof.

Low Porosity Hair: Low porosity hair is when moisture tries to get in, but your hair cuticles are just too snug so it takes ages for the moisture to enter. This means your hair takes a long time to dry, laughs in the face of hair dryers, and gets weighed down with product build-up. You might feel like you’re piling on the products, but your hair gets super greasy and heavy just 1/2 days after washing.

High Porosity Hair: On the flip side, high porosity hair lets moisture enter and exit easily because the cuticle has bigger gaps. This type of hair dries fast, tends to frizz up like nobody’s business, and can often feel dry. So it might feel like you’re doing your best to keep it hydrated, but it stays as unmanageable and frizzy as possible.


How To Decide What Kind Of Product To Use?

Like most unprecedented problems in life, this too, has an easy solution. All you have to do is pick the right texture and product to make sure your hair looks superstar-ready the next time you go out. Here are a few recommendations to make your life so much easier.

For low-porosity hair, light, hydrating products are your best friends. Think of lightweight sprays or milks that don’t just sit on your hair but get into the crease of things and hydrate even after you wash them off. A post shower treatment works best, so do DIY masks with natural ingredients like aloe and curd, which you can leave on for a while before washing off with water.

For high-porosity hair, creams and oils that can really get in there and provide some much-needed moisture work pretty well. For this type of hair I recommend going back to basics: a good old champi is never a bad idea. You can also supplement your hair care routine with a heavy, post-shower masks or an anti-frizz serum also does the trick!

Knowing your hair’s porosity helps you see the difference between using any old product off the shelf and choosing the right tools and treatments that your hair will actually love. Imagine waking up to hair that doesn’t feel like it’s plotting against you! Wouldn’t that be lovely?


Featured Images: Instagram

15 Dec 2023

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