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9 Ways To Make Shopping With The In-Laws A Lot Easier!

9 Ways To Make Shopping With The In-Laws A Lot Easier!

A time will come when formalities between you and your future in-laws will begin to disappear and you will start getting friendly with them. As part of the wedding preparations, the natural next step is that they would like you to tag along to shop for the wedding joda or other necessities. Shopping sessions can be tricky with new in-laws. No matter how cool they are, a new bride has to be extra careful about voicing her opinions too flippantly lest somebody takes offence. Here are 9 ways you can make shopping with in laws an easy breezy experience for everyone involved.

1. Be open to their ideas

Sure you have your own plans and ideas about your look but do not shun somebody else’s suggestions either. Your future in-laws may actually have some cool ideas and you might end up being pleasantly surprised.

Shopping with in laws

2. Do not wander off on your own shopping trail

Even if you have spotted the prettiest shoes from the corner of your eyes, bite your lips and stay focussed until the end of the session. The time for impulse buying will come but with your new in-laws try to stay strictly on the wedding shopping trail.

3. Do NOT be a snob

Maybe your in-laws are not into high fashion, so what? If you look down upon your in-laws’ shopping choices and make it known, rest assured, the next shopping spree is going to happen without you. And guess who is going to be the topic of gossip then?


4. Do not be a pushover either

Is mummyji forcing that zari lehenga on you that you don’t want to be caught dead in? Are you almost about to give in because you are too embarrassed to say ‘No’? Stop, wait right there. You can refuse without appearing snooty. Just politely tell her that you had a different look planned and you’d much rather they gift you something else. Show her that lehenga that really caught your fancy and request her, as you would request your own mother, to buy you that. Mummyji is a woman, she will get it.

Shopping with in laws

5. Be careful with their money

If you are eyeing only the most expensive pieces of wedding trousseau you will give your in-laws a headache for the future. Make sure you do not come across as a spendthrift (even though you may have offered to pitch in) as, in their minds, your money habits directly tie in with their son’s financial future. At the same time, do not be incredibly tight with money either. Get the right balance of spending for money’s worth and you have a set of in-laws marvelling at their son’s pragmatic choice.

6. Be careful with shopping advice

Sure you were the be-all and end-all among your gal pals when it came to sartorial or lifestyle choices but don’t go overboard loading your in-laws with such advice. Everybody has their own take when it comes to what to buy, price range, etc. Keep your opinions to yourself and voice them only when they are sought unless something is being bought specifically for you. In that case, make your opinion known, but pragmatically.

7. Your husband or her son?

Be very, very careful about voicing your opinions regarding anything your mom-in-law buys for your husband. Remember she is buying it for her son. Do not let slip anything like, “He hates this colour!” or “He’ll like this more!” Make your suggestions politely and collaborate instead of taking over.


Shopping with in laws

8. Be proactive

If you are hanging around passively while your in-laws are busy bargaining or checking out things, you will end up making them feel really uncomfortable. Bring your pro-active attitude to the table and involve yourself in the process. Your in-laws will be left feeling more than just happy to have a bahu who knows her way around a good bargain.

9. Post-shopping treat

Even if you have not spent on anything while shopping it is always a good idea to treat the family to something delicious after the shopping session. Be it some khatta meetha chuski to beat the heat or panipuri to add some spice, end your shopping session by bonding with your in-laws over some snack. Or go and dine at some restaurant. Whatever you do, nothing brings a family together like food. So take out your purse and invest in some yummy delights.

GIFs: Tumblr, Giphy

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MUST-READ: #ShaadiSePehle: How To Get Along With Your Future In-Laws!

MUST-READ: This Is What The First Day Of Living With In-Laws Is Like!

05 May 2016
good points

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